We offer a number of services which can be beneficial for your business in regards to saving energy and money:
- We can upgrade/repair electrical installations in your place of business by using more modern materials with a longer shelf life.
- We supply and fit voltage optimisation units that work by reducing the voltage that your appliances need to work at, which equates to less power being used, and therefore saving money.
- We can supply and replace your current lighting with LED lighting, which can save you up to 90% on the cost of your next lighting energy bill.
If your business was fitted out pre-2008, the chances are that your electricity use is far from efficient. We can offer you advice on how much money you could save on an annual basis by making certain upgrades to your current electrical systems.
Even if your business is in a new building, you could still save money by making certain changes that take advantage of the latest energy saving components.
We all know that energy prices are not going to come down, they are only going to continue to increase. So, it stands to reason that any steps you take to make more efficient use of your energy usage makes financial sense, not only today, but for years to come.